Customizing Django startproject with templates

June 6, 2013 - Alex - django - modwsgi - deployment - Development - Django - Software

When it comes to Django everyone has their own way of structuring a project. The default layout when running startproject is reasonable for smaller projects, but it quickly gets messy when those projects grow. Two Scoops of Django has a whole chapter on the subject, but rightfully states that no two developers would structure their project in the same way. The default project structure of ...

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Allow squid/mod_wsgi to pass the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION header to Apache

jul 16, 2009 - Remco - django - apache - authorization - django-piston - modwsgi - squid - webservice - Software

So we had some issues using django-piston (a webservice framework for Django) in combination with HTTP Basic authorization. By default both Squid and mod_wsgi will not forward the HTTP_AUTHORIZATION headers to the next layer. So if you have a wsgi application that does its own authorization you need to do the following: In your squid.conf you need to add the login=PASS to the cache_peer entries ...

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