Automotive, Government, Healthcare
For over 10 years Aethon connects the best students and young professionals to clients in healthcare, government, housing and finance. Aethon focuses on ensuring continuity to customers and assisting young professionals develop their careers.
Since early 2015 Maykin Media was involved with the development of MyAethon2. Through this ERP platform, the employees of Aethon have full insight into the available capacity, scheduling, planning, billing and payroll of the organization. Additionally, employees can enter their availability and hours worked and customers of Aethon have direct insight into the information relevant to them.
After the energetic and successful development of MyAethon2, it was operational in May 2015. At first for healthcare, but soon followed by other business units. Maykin Media is responsible for hosting and maintenance of the system and ensures the proper functioning of the system with an extensive set of automated tests. This facilitates necessary changes and additions to be made efficiently and effectively.
MyAethon2 is connected to a range of systems, including Exact for billing and Gmail for creating and sending e-mail. Maykin Media also established a data warehouse, which ensures statistics and management information are easily accessed to through MyAethon2.
In 2016 Maykin Media also developed and integrated automated workforce planning in MyAethon2 based on a combination of state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms. This functionality further improves Aethon's ability to expand.