Openfiler permission problems with shares on MacOSX and Windows

22 augustus 2009 - Joeri - apple - mac - nas - openfiler - samba - windows - Software

We recently came across a problem with our file server where I was unable to write to a particular directory on Openfiler. It turned out that this directory was created on a Mac and I was unable to place any files in it from Windows. What's happening? Some Googling got me to various unanswered posts where people roughly described the same problem although not everyone …

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PuTTY Tunnel Manager

2 april 2009 - Joeri - windows - ssh - tunnel - .net - csharp - Software

How often don't I just want to open a tunnel to some server (that I'm sure to have in PuTTY) without opening a full SSH terminal? Or, isn't it annoying that everytime you open a terminal session in PuTTY, all tunnels related to that session open as well? -- PuTTY Tunnel Manager is here!

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